Your Front-Row Seat

to Shopping

Experience live, interactive store tours from home. Join the revolution in retail!

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About Us

Livecom bridges online shopping and in-store experiences with live, interactive tours. Enjoy an engaging and immersive shopping journey like never before



Static Online Shopping

 Low buyer confidence

Crowded Stores

Frustrating customer experience

Inefficient Trips

Shoppers waste time visiting stores with unavailable items

Limited Online Reach

Brick-and-mortar stores miss out on engaging online shoppers

Why Choose


Live In-Store Tours

Experience stores with HD cameras and microphones

Interactive Commerce

Live product demos and real-time customer queries

Enhanced Discovery

Zoom in on products and explore features

Easy Purchasing

 Clickable carousels and QR code scanning for seamless buying

Our Cutting-Edge


Streaming Video

High-quality streams via
WebRTC and YouTube API

Interactive Chat

Real-time communication

E-commerce Integration

Smooth transactions with Shopify,
Stripe, and PayPal